Statements About Candidates at Homeowner Association Meetings are Privileged - Cabrera v. Alam

Many residents of Southern California live in planned developments which are…

Employer Handbooks don't need to be perfect

Union's Personal Attacks on Managers Have Limits

Defamation Suit Survives Anti-SLAPP Motion One familiar tactic used by labor…

One Year to Sue A Lawyer for Malicious Prosecution - Statute of Limitations Explained

Generally speaking, one has two years to sue for malicious prosecution under…

Overhill Farms Protest - Anti-SLAPP Motion Filed, Granted, Affirmed on Appeal

Employer Sues Fired Employees for Defamation- Defeats their Anti-SLAPP Motion

Fired employees are often a source of problems for a business, especially when…

Anti-SLAPP in California

Think Twice Before Suing a Newspaper!

A few months back, one of my newspaper clients reported about a doctor’s…