Writs & Appeals
In addition to being experienced trial attorneys, Reid & Hellyer is staffed with attorneys that are experienced in all levels of appellate practice.
Some of our notable cases include:
- Webber v. Inland Empire Investments, Inc. (1999) 74 Cal. App. 4th 884: Trial court awarded a Reid & Hellyer client $1,304,946 in damages. A California Appellate Court affirmed the trial court’s decision disallowing a company to apply the alter-ego doctrine to escape a charge of conspiracy to commit fraud where the doctrine would be used to avoid liability, rather than to prevent injustice. In addition to collecting the previously awarded damages, Reid & Hellyer’s client was permitted to recover their attorneys’ fees on the appeal. Attorneys Michael Kerbs and Don Powell represented the client on behalf of Reid & Hellyer.
- American Products Co., Inc. v. Law Offices of Geller, Stewart & Foley, LLP (2005) 134 Cal. App. 4th 1332: Reid & Hellyer’s client filed suit alleging that the defendant law firm engaged in the unfair business practice of initiating litigation for settlement purposes. The trial court granted summary judgment in favor of the law firm upon finding that the sending demand letters by a law firm prior to the filing of a lawsuit was subject to the litigation privilege. The Court of Appeals reversed, holding that that the litigation privilege was not a defense in an unfair competition action brought against an attorney if the plaintiff was not a party to the earlier litigation in which the allegedly protected conduct occurred. Attorneys David Moore and Michael Kerbs represented the client on behalf of Reid & Hellyer.
- Allison C. v. Advanced Educ. Services (2005) 129 Cal. App. 4th 636: Reid & Hellyer represented the owner of a special needs school sued by the mother of a 13-year-old student who committed suicide. The jury found for the mother on the claim that the school negligently allowed her son to leave campus, resulting in his being sexually assaulted, which ultimately caused him to take his own life. The appellant court reversed, ordering that a new judgment be entered in favor of the school because the risk of falling victim to a child molester during truancy was not foreseeable. Attorneys David Moore and Michael Kerbs represented the client on behalf of Reid & Hellyer.
The attorneys at Reid & Hellyer have represented parties in numerous appellate cases and can explain the various procedures and rules to you. As a premier Inland Empire business and real estate litigation law firm, our clients come to us when they are seeking quality representation in the appellate process and when they are seeking judicial relief in civil and criminal cases.
Find out how we can help your case. Contact us to learn more.