Eminent Domain Defense
As one of Southern California’s most respected law firms for real estate litigation, the land use and real estate lawyers at Reid & Hellyer have experience defending the property rights of California property owners facing possible condemnation of their property through eminent domain.
Reid & Hellyer has been named as one of California’s top litigation law firms by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers, and property owners seek our attorneys to represent them with the dedication cases involving California’s eminent domain laws require.
Our attorneys represent land and property owners in eminent domain court cases and strive to ensure that you receive just compensation if government officials underestimate the fair market value of your property. We also work to make certain that occupants and tenants receive proper government-provided relocation assistance and monitor the eminent domain process undertaken by government officials to make sure it is carried out fairly and in strict accordance with California law.
The land use and real estate attorneys at Reid & Hellyer are versed in California’s laws governing the taking of private property by local governments and redevelopment agencies.
For example, the ongoing expansion of SR-91, a freeway running through Corona and Riverside, has witnessed numerous homeowners seeking just compensation from the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). These takings by government entities require numerous procedures to be followed that protect property owners.
If a local government is considering the taking of your property through the power of eminent domain, contact us online or at (951) 682-1771 to hear how we can help your case.