Hunter Hobby Park: Riverside’s Recreational Gem


Hunter Hobby Park stands as a prominent recreational oasis nestled in Riverside, California. Spanning over 23 acres, this park caters to diverse interests, offering an array of amenities and activities for visitors of all ages. Learn more here.


Established in the early 1980s, Hunter Hobby Park was named in honor of Joseph W. Hunter, a former Riverside City Council member. Originally designed as a space for radio-controlled hobbyists, the park has since expanded its offerings to accommodate a wide range of outdoor activities and leisure pursuits. Learn more about Mount Rubidoux Trailhead: Riverside’s Scenic Hiking Destination.

Features and Amenities

The park boasts extensive walking trails, picnic areas, and open spaces for various sports and activities. A focal point of the park is its model airplane flying field, which continues to attract aviation enthusiasts from across the region. Additionally, the park includes playgrounds, basketball courts, and ample green spaces for recreational use.

Community Engagement

Hunter Hobby Park serves as a hub for community events, hosting regular gatherings, workshops, and competitions. Its diverse range of offerings encourages social interaction and engagement among Riverside residents and visitors.

Conservation and Future Developments

With a commitment to environmental preservation, the park continues to explore sustainable practices and future developments, aiming to enhance the overall experience while maintaining its natural charm.


Hunter Hobby Park remains a cherished destination in Riverside, providing a harmonious blend of leisure, community, and nature, welcoming individuals and families to enjoy its diverse offerings.